Glutes Burn And Strong Arms with Mini Band #383
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Thank you Lottie, that was a strong class. I think my band may be getting old because it kept rolling up and making me readjust, but Ingot thru class and loved it 🌸💕
What a great start to the week! So challenging, energising and fun. Thanks Lottie. Am really pushing myself to get back into Pilates most days and am loving it so much xx
I thought I have strong glutes🤣🤣🤣 . It seems that I dont 😆 Good class Lottie 💪🏻
Lovely class really feeling my glutes, too much for my thereband as it tore in half as well , did the rest of the class without it but just as effective 🤗
Oef this was was tough one for me. I seem to struggle with the bridging. For some reason my neck and shoulder can’t seem to relax in this position, making it even harder for me. But I will keep practicing, hopefully one day I’ll get good at it hehe. 💕
Ohhh Lottie that was juicy and spicy I felt that 🔥🔥🔥🔥 love how the band is just so effective. I know I should do more lower body work and the band is so efficient and targeted 💕💕💕💕
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Ooh that was good on glutes. Definitely one to repeat. Am 49 and 4 months post full hip replacement and definitely an imbalance so good to isolate and improve my operated side.